The Schlumbergera Truncata – ‘Christmas Cactus’ or Thanksgiving Cactus is also called Crab Cactus or False Christmas Cactus, is a winter-flowering, house plant that has become a popular holiday gift due to its ease of propagation and care.
Grows as a trailing/drooping plant and tends to do best when allowed to hang and encourage stem growth. Humidity is important as this is a tropical origin succulent, native to South America and not a typical arid-loving cactus. Do not let the soil run dry, but be careful to not let it set in wet soil for long periods at a time. Adapts well to low light environments but is more apt to produce blooms when exposed to brighter light, though too much direct light can cause sunburn and cause the leaves to yellow.
Bloom from November to December, with the possibility to rebloom in February.
Bright indirect light
Attracts birds, bees and butterflies.
Pink , Cream or Red flowers, non-fragrant
Pet safe, non-toxic