Brand: Green Promise Farms™
Color: White Shades
- Heavy bloomer
- Attracts pollinators
- Deer & Rabbit resistant
- Excellent flower fragrance
- Easy maintainence
- Thrives in partial shade and moist soils
- Compact form
- AKA Einstein
Details: It doesn’t take a genius to see that this Summersweet gets its name from the foot-long strands of densely packed fragrant flowers that twist off in all directions just like the sparks from a 4th of July sparkler. Compact, Summer Splarkler™ is more prolific in blooming than the species with flower racemes twice as long. An outstanding shady garden choice for summer bloom and pollinator attraction.
Growing Tips: Fertilize yearly with an organic fertilizer. Leave the spent seedheads on the plant to provide food for birds and small mammals in winter. Prune in late winter for good airflow and to control size and shape.