Once this easy-care, profusely flowering shrub makes itself at home in your border or foundation, you’ll wonder how you ever got by without it.
Chinese Snowball Shrub offers a longer and more profuse season of blooms than any other, with no messy fruits to clean up. Find a place of honor for it this season!
The flowers are the draw here. From late spring and continuing into summer, you’ll be rewarded with spectacular, softball-size blooms! These flowers start out lime green and then open to pristine white. They’re as big as Hydrangea blooms, and every bit as beautiful. Chinese Snowball Shrub concentrates all its energy into flowers because it’s sterile — there are no fruits to follow the blooms, so new buds just keep setting all season.
Full sun to partial sun.
Attracts birds, bees and butterflies.
White flowers, non-fragrant