Brand: Bloomin’ Easy®
Color: pink flowers
- LIVE PLANT: What a combination of bloom and foliage! Stunner will perk up the garden throught the spring and summer with its neat, dense, compact form that is completely covered with dark purple, almost chocolatey foliage.
- READY TO PLANT: Late May is when Stunner really jumps to the forefront with masses of tubular throated pink flowers that look even showier backed by its deeper colored foliage. It’s a look that you will want to show off throughout your landscape…something that will be easy to do since Stunner is so versatile! Arrives fully rooted in the soil and can be planted immediately upon arrival, weather permitting. These plants are dormant with little to no leaves late fall to the winter months.
- POPULAR USES: Stunner has so many uses in the landscape! It makes a perfect little specimen for a small to medium landscape spot. It will be stunning if grouped to form a compact hedge that will make a property line blow up with color in the late spring with color continuing on and off throughout the summer. It also can be used in a container to create a constantly blooming centerpiece for a deck or patio. Stunner is a magnet for butterflies and hummingbirds when in bloom.
- PLANTING GUIDANCE: Stunner is exceedingly cold hardy making it an easy plant to show off in even colder northern locations. It also is such an easy to grow, rewarding plant that has few or pest problems. Even better, with its dense, compact form, there is not much need to prune meaning you get all that color with so little effort by you! Stunner is also deer resistant making it an even better landscape choice! For best results, plant in USDA Zone: 4-9 Mature size: 3-4 ft H x 3-4 ft W
- SIZES: This Weigela is delivered right to your home in a #3 Size Container, 3 Gallon.
Binding: Lawn & Patio