Pink/Red Desert Rose Adenium obesum
The desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a slow-growing plant, only growing about 12 inches per year. Desert rose is often used as a bonsai plant thanks to its thick succulent trunk, thin and delicate leaves, and luscious, deep pink trumpeting flowers. It is native to Africa, the Middle East, and Madagascar.
Plant Characteristics
The desert rose plant is the only Adenium extensively hybridized to obtain different flower colors. Desert rose is an indoor or outdoor plant depending on your location. In many tropical and warmer climates (USDA zones 11 and 12), it’s a widely-used ornamental outdoor plant, and in cooler zones, it is grown indoors. It’s best planted in the spring, and it will die if exposed to frost and freezing temperatures.
Your plant will be approximately 10 inches in height with well-developed roots. These starter plants have been growing in one gallon containers, but will be shipped without them. The roots will be protected with some soil and sealed in a plastic bag. They are ready to plant up in arrival.