Sugar Dragon Fruit Hylocereus guatemalensis X
The flowers are of Sugar Dragon are plentiful, fragrant, and self-fertile. Pollen is also used widely to assist in pollinating self-sterile varieties. Sugar Dragon is a robust grower with meaty stems that are olive green in color. Thick small spines occur along the rib line of each stem.
The Sugar Dragon Dragon Fruit variety is a clone created by Paul Thomson called 8-S initially. It was a cross using the Houghton and Rixford varieties.
The 8-S seedlings were later renamed Voodoo Child by a nursery in Florida. Then a few years after that 8-S was renamed by a grower in California Sugar Dragon. Both Sugar and Voodoo Child resemble one another and are very similar to there parent, which is Houghton variety.
You will receive 1 Sugar dragon fruit plant between four and five inches long. The plant will be shipped with growing instructions.